In the study, this higher-functioning subgroup was more than four times as likely to suffer from depression, compared to people without autism.
from WebMD Health
In the study, this higher-functioning subgroup was more than four times as likely to suffer from depression, compared to people without autism.
The association between stroke and increased dementia risk remained even after other dementia risk factors such as blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease were taken into account, the researchers say.
Research has uncovered a host of factors that could increase a child's risk of ADHD, such as preterm birth, low birth weight, or moms smoking or taking drugs during pregnancy, he explained.
E. coli was found in about 80 percent of the nearly 2,500 meat samples and in 72 percent of the urine and blood samples from patients who tested positive for infection, the study authors said. E. coli ST131 was the most common type infecting people and was also present in the meat samples.
“I don’t feel any consumer should have to go through this,” says Drew Calver, who faced a life-changing surprise bill from an Austin hospital after a heart attack last year. After attention as a Bill of the Month patient, he paid the hospital $332. But he worries about other patients with surprise bills.
The study of more than 220,000 pregnancies from 2009 through 2016 found overall use at 5.3% in the first trimester. That number spiked to 11.3% for pregnant women with severe nausea and vomiting. Just over 8% of the women with mild nausea and vomiting used pot while pregnant.
AT-121 provided the same level of pain relief as a typical opioid, but at a 100-times lower dose than morphine, according to the research team from Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, in Winston-Salem, N.C.
But new research involving 24,000 U.S. adults suggests milk and milk-derived products don't pose the dire health risks suggested by prior research, and maybe those old warnings should be relaxed.
People with sleep apnea had a 42 percent higher risk of gout, the study found.
The previous advice from the American Academy of Pediatrics was to stop using a rear-facing seat when a child was 2 years old.
Their analysis of 37 studies that included nearly 350,000 people linked arsenic exposure to a 23 percent increased risk of coronary heart disease and a 30 percent increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
Forty-four percent of the 1,754 UTIs studied were contracted outside a hospital, the highest rate ever reported in the United States, according to the study published recently in the journal Annals of Emergency Medicine.
The FDA is warning about rare cases of necrotizing fasciitis – sometimes called “flesh-eating bacteria” -- of the genitals and genital area in patients taking type 2 diabetes drugs known as SGLT2 inhibitors.
The FDA is warning about rare cases of necrotizing fasciitis – sometimes called “flesh-eating bacteria” -- of the genitals and genital area in patients taking type 2 diabetes drugs known as SGLT2 inhibitors.
In the brave new world of hop-on-hop-off shared personal vehicles, accidents are inevitable. E-scooters have emergency departments across the US seeing scrapes, broken bones and even brain injuries.
Scientists are working to infect mosquitoes with bacteria that keep them from spreading dengue fever, a sometimes deadly virus that’s reaching beyond its typical tropical range.
Of the 17 people sickened, eight have been hospitalized, the CDC says.
Accord Healthcare has recalled one lot of 12.5-milligram hydrochlorothiazide tablets because the 100-count bottle was discovered to contain 100 spironolactone tablets.
According to the new data, female soldiers were more at risk than males; younger soldiers were at higher odds than older ones; less educated soldiers face higher risks than more educated service members, and odds for a suicide attempt were especially high during a soldier's first year of service.
There are about 400,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests in the United States each year. More than 90 percent of those patients die before, or soon after, they reach the hospital.
About 8.3 million Americans now carry health insurance plans purchased through an Obamacare state-based marketplace, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS).
Compared to non-drinkers, men who reported having at least one alcoholic drink a day between ages 15 and 19 had more than triple the odds of developing aggressive prostate cancer in adulthood, the researchers said.
Scientists are working to infect mosquitoes with bacteria that keep them from spreading dengue fever, a sometimes deadly virus that’s reaching beyond its typical tropical range.
Cases of gonorrhea, syphilis and chlamydia all increased in 2017, making it the fourth straight year in which STD infections continued to expand.
Due to the risk of infection, consumers who have water-based homeopathic products made by King Bio Inc. of Asheville, N.C., for children, adults or pets should throw them away, the FDA said Tuesday. The drugs may be unsafe to use because of high levels of microbial contamination, the agency said.
Sonequa Martin-Green learns valuable lessons from her most important role yet—helping her mother through cancer
Maria Menounos talk about her career, health advice, and her experience with a brain tumor.
While the study couldn't prove cause-and-effect, experts said the findings spotlight the potential impact of such diets -- or any "extreme" way of eating -- on long-term health.
Even after accounting for variations in smoking, drinking and dietary habits, a new study finds that the risk of heart attack rose by 18 percent among women and 30 percent among men coping with a high or very high degree of mental distress. (The risk faded somewhat among men 80 and older.)
A new analysis of 11 studies that included a total of more than 1 million adults without heart disease suggests the sweet spot is six to eight hours a night. The studies were published within the past five years.
All of the men were believed to face a higher than average risk for heart disease, and half of them were given five years of advice regarding diet, weight, exercise, blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyceride levels. The other half was not offered any special health guidance.
Very high blood levels of the “good” HDL cholesterol may actually be bad for you, new research suggest. The study linked it to a higher risk for heart attack, and even death, among patients who already had heart problems or who faced a higher risk of developing heart disease.
Very high blood levels of the “good” HDL cholesterol may actually be bad for you, new research suggest. The study linked it to a higher risk for heart attack, and even death, among patients who already had heart problems or who faced a higher risk of developing heart disease.
Belviq is the first and only weight-loss agent shown not to damage the hearts of people who are already at higher risk, new research shows.
Researchers tested breast milk samples from 50 women who used marijuana either daily, weekly or occasionally, and detected THC -- the active component of the drug -- in 63 percent of the samples for up to six days after the mother's last reported use.
Meanwhile, a second set of studies discovered the news was just as grim for those with diabetes, as a higher risk for serious bleeding canceled out a modest benefit.
In July 2017, doctors removed a blood clot above his left eye at the Mayo Clinic Hospital in Phoenix, AZ. During that procedure, they found a brain tumor known as glioblastoma associated with the clot.
In July 2017, doctors removed a blood clot above his left eye at the Mayo Clinic Hospital in Phoenix, AZ. During that procedure, they found a brain tumor known as glioblastoma associated with the clot.
Former CDC Director Tom Frieden was arrested Friday in New York City and charged with sex abuse.
Researchers studying how the human immune system adapts itself to birth saw “drastic changes” in the babies' immune system early in life. They hope the findings will one day allow scientists to steer the immune system in different directions, and perhaps prevent autoimmune diseases and allergies.
Investigators who studied nearly 200,000 young women said they found no elevated risk of premature menopause after recommended vaccinations, including for the human papillomavirus.
On average, breast cancer survivors get hit with an extra $1,100 in yearly out-of-pocket cancer-driven costs, researchers have found.