Showing posts with label WebMD Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WebMD Health. Show all posts

Thursday 16 May 2024

Age-Related Macular Degeneration: Putting a Hole in Our World

photo of eye exam

Estimates show that by 2040, age-related macular degeneration may affect nearly 300 million people worldwide. And we are very limited in our ability to treat or prevent it. Here's what to know.

from WebMD Health

Get the Care You Need in a COVID-19 World

photo of senior using telemedicine

What to expect at the doctor’s office, hospitals, and long-term care facilities, the future of telemedicine, and how to get the best care during COVID-19.

from WebMD Health

Personal Shopper: A Savvy Black Entrepreneur Guides You to Eczema-Friendly Clothes, Creams, Cosmetics, and More

photo of woman looking at clothes

A savvy black entrepreneur guides you on an eczema-friendly shopping spree.

from WebMD Health

Wednesday 15 May 2024

How to Talk to Your Loved One's Care Team

photo of businss

If you’re a schizophrenia caregiver, communication with your loved one's doctors is important. Learn how to stay in the loop.

from WebMD Health

Tuesday 14 May 2024

Is Your Doctor ‘Blue Zones’ Certified?

The American College of Lifestyle Medicine and Blue Zones will soon offer a new clinical certification to physicians and health professionals.

from WebMD Health

Expert Q&A: Alzheimer’s Risk and the APOE4 Gene

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If you have two copies of the APOE4 gene, new research suggests that you’re very likely to develop Alzheimer’s. Experts break down the findings and share what you can do to lower your risk.

from WebMD Health

Experts Watching Bird Flu Carefully in Case It Takes Off

photo of Herd of cows

The virus variant that is circulating among cattle is not an efficient cause of disease in humans. There may be more concern if H5N1 passes to pigs, because their viral receptors are closer to those in humans.

from WebMD Health

Monday 13 May 2024

The 7-Hour Itch: 3 Women With Eczema Describe the Ways They Combat Nighttime Flare-Ups

Three women with eczema describe how they combat nighttime flare-ups.

from WebMD Health

Sunday 12 May 2024

A Mother’s Love: The Challenges of Parenting a Child With Eczema

Two moms reveal the great lengths they went to in their determination to give their children relief and good health.

from WebMD Health

Saturday 11 May 2024

Working It Out: How to Minimize Eczema Flare-ups at the Gym and on the Job

photo of reaching for hand weights

Three keys to managing your eczema at the gym and then heading off to a productive and itch-free workday.

from WebMD Health

Friday 10 May 2024

Age-Related Macular Degeneration: Putting a Hole in Our World

photo of eye exam

Estimates show that by 2040, age-related macular degeneration may affect nearly 300 million people worldwide. And we are very limited in our ability to treat or prevent it. Here's what to know.

from WebMD Health

Thursday 9 May 2024

A Healthy Lifestyle Can Add Years to Life, Despite 'Bad' Genes

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Turn around those bad family genes with four lifestyle changes.

from WebMD Health

Wednesday 8 May 2024

Taking Racism out of the Kidney Disease Equation

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Kidney care in the U.S. is at a watershed moment of moving past a deeply entrenched, institutionally racist equation.

from WebMD Health

Plant-Powered Sleep: Vegan, Vegetarian Diets Unlock Extra ZZZs

photo of woman cutting fresh vegetables

Vegans and vegetarians sleep around 30 more minutes per night than average and up to 90% of them report good or excellent sleep quality, according to a new survey published by the Sleep Foundation.

from WebMD Health

Tuesday 7 May 2024

Anorexia: The Body Neglected

What, exactly, does anorexia nervosa do inside the human body? The heart and bones suffer the most.

from WebMD Health

Monday 6 May 2024

Can You Really Know What to Expect in the Long Haul?

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Ulcerative colitis is a relapsing-remitting disease, so it’s hard to predict symptoms over time. Here’s what to expect and how to recognize remission.

from WebMD Health

Ulcerative Colitis: Social Relationships and Dating

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Friendship can be a good medicine when you have ulcerative colitis. Learn how to keep your social life going when you don’t always feel like going out.

from WebMD Health

Saturday 4 May 2024

What to Eat as You Age


Your dietary needs change as you age. WebMD advises what should be on your grocery list.

from WebMD Health

Friday 3 May 2024

Jump-Start Your Exercise With This Mindset Reset

photo of man doing deadlift in gym

There are far more powerful motivators than “get abs!” to help you start an exercise routine you’ll stick to.

from WebMD Health

Thursday 2 May 2024

When Does Old Age Start? It Depends on Who You Ask

photo of two women hugging on the beach

The goalpost for old age has been moving. Until now.

from WebMD Health