By BY GINA KOLATA from NYT Health https://ift.tt/31AFzjp
Creaking knees, hips, and ankles aren't necessarily normal aches and pains that come with age. Your pain might be arthritis. Luckily, medicine has a lot to offer --- from exercise and alternative supplements to medications and joint replacement.
How do states explain and expect to respond to a recent increase in the number of reported COVID-19 cases?
Hospitalizations are down 62% for childhood respiratory illnesses, a study shows. Masking and social distancing are keeping a variety of viruses in check this flu season.
Black, Hispanic, and Native American people are significantly underrepresented in U.S. health professions, with little indication that diversity will improve, a new study says.
Are collagen supplements worth the money, or are they nothing more than hype?
Black young adults are almost four times more likely than their white counterparts to have a stroke, according to new research.
New research found an association between eating even small amounts of processed meats, 150 grams (a little over 5 ounces) per week, and a higher risk of major heart disease and death.
A new study suggests young adults are largely saying no to casual sex, and less drinking and more video games are two reasons why.
The nasopharyngeal swab -- aka the Brain Tickler -- is considered the gold standard for COVID tests. The problem is no two noses are exactly a like and different people will have different reactions.
Lung cancer and genes are related, but probably not in the way you might think.
Before you try going off your ADHD meds, talk to your doctor and learn what you should expect.
The recall is for certain lots of the following brands: CanineX, Earthborn Holistic, Venture, Unrefined, Sportmix Wholesomes, Pro Pac, Pro Pac Ultimates, Sportstrail, Sportmix and Meridian.
Physical inactivity is a known risk factor for premature death and several non-communicable diseases, including heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and several cancers.
WebMD presents Taft Foley III with the 2021 Health Heroes Innovator award.
Anthony Fauci, MD, receives WebMD's Health Heroes 2021 Lifetime Achievement award.
WebMD presents the CDC Foundation the Frontline Champions Health Heroes award on behalf of essential workers nationwide.
Amy Denet Deal receives WebMD's Health Heroes 2021 Trailblazer award.
A new study of twins looks at teenage pot use and a kid's future chances of landing a good job with a large salary.
The draft study all but dismissed a speculative theory that the virus escaped from a lab in Wuhan, the AP reported.
The U.S. surpassed 30 million COVID-19 cases on Thursday. The 7-day average is hovering between 60,000 and 70,000 cases -- a 10% increase -- and deaths are up about 3%, to 1,000 per day.
Birx said that although many of the first 100,000 deaths in the initial COVID-19 wave were likely inevitable, the deaths from the later waves could have been reduced if the U.S. had implemented lockdown measures sooner and taken safety protocols more seriously throughout 2020.
Have you noticed that your spine isn’t as straight as it used to be? Our postures can start to change as we get older. Find out why and what you can do to prevent a hunched back as you age.
As more adults across the country get vaccinated against COVID-19, researchers are turning their attention to studying the vaccine in children and teens. Trials are now underway in the U.S. in children as young as 6 months.
A new study finds that severe gum disease may make an otherwise healthy person significantly more likely to develop high blood pressure.
New research warn over half of high-risk children in the U.S. don't get health services critical to their mental, emotional and physical well-being.
Older adults, especially men, have a much higher death rate than other groups. One in 4 seniors who attempt to kill themselves will die, compared to 1 in 200 youths.
Atrial fibrillation (AFib) is when your heart beats too fast, too slow, or erratically. Here’s what some people with AFib want you to know.
Actor Rita Wilson expresses gratitude and takes nothing for granted as she reflects on surviving breast cancer and COVID-19.
The brain may play a role in so-called broken heart syndrome, a new study suggests. Formally known as Takotsubo syndrome (TTS), it's a temporary -- but potentially deadly -- heart condition brought on by stressful situations and emotions.
When people die some cells in their brains go on for hours, even getting more active and growing to gargantuan proportions, new research shows.
Here's a silver lining to having to strap a mask across your face when you go out in public: That mask may also help guard against severe spring allergies, an expert says.
These expensive machines use high-tech home equipment, interactive video screens and trackers, trainers, and the enthusiasm found in group classes. They’re generally expensive and involve a subscription service. But lower-priced versions are sprouting up
Actor and activist Jeffrey Wright talks about helping frontline workers when coronavirus hit, his art and activism, and more.