Wondering how to feel less anxious? Learn ways to ease anxiety naturally.
New research shows many parts of the U.S. saw a significant drop in breast cancer screening of older low-income women during the COVID-19 pandemic.
It's also time, some experts say, to do contact tracing smarter. That means merging it with testing and vaccination efforts.
New research shows a high amount of coronavirus in the lungs is a major contributor to death in COVID-19 patients.
A new study found that men over 50 years old have less than a 30% rate of a successful live birth with assisted reproduction.
Struggling to understand your dog? Read on to learn how to read them through their body language.
A new study shows people with ADHD who have a history of depression or anxiety are particularly vulnerable to substance abuse problems.
Learn about setting goals, including how to create a plan for success in achieving your goals.
Struggling after your divorce? Get some wisdom on how to heal and move on.
Searching for a new sports bra? Learn what to look for.
Learn the qualities and traits that make a good friend and how to be one.
A new study shows people with ADHD who have a history of depression or anxiety are particularly vulnerable to substance abuse problems.
Step-by-step tips on how to start coloring your hair at home.
Learn about bathing your dog, including making bath time fun for your dog and efficient for you.
Learn about how to teach your teen to drive, including setting house rules to limit risky behaviors.
Learn about financial anxiety and its effects on your health, along with how to get a handle on financial stress.
Looking for a way to relieve muscle tension? Try using a foam roller.
Learn how to fall asleep quicker and sleep better.
Learn eco-friendly cleaning habits for Your home.
Learn about the best exercises to build leg strength.
Liberty University in Virginia announced a temporary campus-wide quarantine due to a spike in COVID-19 cases among students and staff.
Learn about how to protect your skin from the sun using makeup, sunscreen, and more.
Learn about the best exercises to build arm strength.
Working on your willpower? Learn these strategies to help.
Learn about 11 essential items you should always keep in your car.
Find out how playing tennis can be beneficial for your health.
Learn about ways to keep your beard and the underlying skin healthy.
The experimental approach delivers nanoparticles to hair follicles to support regrowth.
The milk crate challenge is causing many young people to put their life and limb at risk.
Studies reveal heart risks increase with the severity of gum disease.
Research shows two days before and three days after COVID symptoms develop are the most infectious days, which highlight the importance of rapid testing and quarantine if someone is feeling sick.
Efforts to improve diversity and equity in academic medicine have been “moved to the back burner” in the face of the coronavirus pandemic, despite a growing need to address racial disparities, said the top diversity expert at the Association of American Medical Colleges.
How do you manage pain if you've had a problem with addiction? Learn your options and how to work with your doctor.
Your eczema doesn't have to get in the way of friendships or dating. Find out how eczema can affect relationships and what you can do about it.
Whether you’ve just tested positive or been exposed, monoclonal antibodies could help you and your loved ones stave off COVID-19. Here’s what you need to know.
Experts have been unsuccessful pinpointing the origin of COVID-19, and the window of opportunity may be closing.
Beginning September 3, U.S. passengers aged 12 and older will have to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination before boarding Disney Cruise Line voyages to the Bahamas.