Monday 31 July 2023

Scenes From a City That Only Hands Out Tickets for Using Fentanyl

By Jordan Gale and Jan Hoffman from NYT Health

More Than 2 Million in U.S. Have Inflammatory Bowel Disease

photo of Crohn's Disease anatomy

A groundbreaking study estimates nearly 1 in 100 Americans have inflammatory bowel disease and shines a light on the growing burden the disorder inflicts in the United States, where up to 56,000 new cases are diagnosed each year.

from WebMD Health

Is It an E-Bike, or a Motorcycle for Children?

By Matt Richtel from NYT Health

Saturday 29 July 2023

What Is an E-Bike, and How Safe Are They?

By Matt Richtel from NYT Health

Friday 28 July 2023

Women Increasingly Dying of Alcohol-Related Causes

photo of pouring glass red wine

Researchers have known for several years that the sex gap related to alcohol use and complications is narrowing. Women are drinking more, engaging in more high-risk drinking, and increasingly developing alcohol use disorder.

from WebMD Health

Thursday 27 July 2023

Louise Levy, Who Was Studied for Her Very Long Life, Is Dead at 112

By Richard Sandomir from NYT Health

Multiple Myeloma and Your Relationships

WebMD explores how multiple myeloma affects your relationships with family, friends, and significant others.

from WebMD Health

Getting Support for Multiple Myeloma

People who have multiple myeloma often need emotional and psychological support. You can get this from social workers, psychologists, support groups, and peer counselors.

from WebMD Health

A Half-Million Americans May Have Tick-Linked Meat Allergy, C.D.C. Says

By Emily Anthes from NYT Health

‘I’m Too Young for This’: Life With an Early RA Diagnosis

Thanks to early diagnosis and new treatment options, people with RA – even younger adults in the midst of career development, family-building, and active lives – can experience remission.

from WebMD Health

Olive Oil Is Having a Moment. Is It the Ultimate Superfood?

Olive oil has been tied to lower risks of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, neurological diseases like dementia and Parkinson’s, and early death in general.

from WebMD Health

Blood of Young Mice Extends Life in the Old

By Carl Zimmer from NYT Health

Wednesday 26 July 2023

Migraine Home Remedies and 'Cures': What Really Works?

It’s understandable to want to do whatever it takes to make migraines stop. But some home remedies are better ideas than others.

from WebMD Health

16 People Sickened in Salmonella Outbreak Linked to Ground Beef

By Rebecca Carballo from NYT Health

Misconceptions About Genomic Tests

photo of genomic testing

There's a lot of confusion about the purpose of genomic tests. Find out how to separate fact from fiction.

from WebMD Health

Protecting Your Eyes and Ears During the Summertime

photo of young woman looks out to view lakeshore

Summer is a time of fun and enjoyment, vacations, camp, and family trips. But many popular activities of summer, such as swimming, can have safety risks, especially to the eyes and ears.

from WebMD Health

Tips on Living With Migraine


Three people share their experiences with the chronic condition and what they've learned about finding treatments that really help.

from WebMD Health

For Adults With No Heart Attack or Stroke History, More Evidence Not to Start Aspirin

By Emily Baumgaertner from NYT Health

Tuesday 25 July 2023

6 Ways to Improve Your Back Pain

photo of medical illustration back low pain man bl

Everyone gets back pain at some time. Here are six ways to help you improve your back pain.

from WebMD Health

Ankylosing Spondylitis: The Long Hunt for a Right Diagnosis

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Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a rare type of arthritis in the spine whose main symptom -- back pain -- is a common, everyday complaint. That’s just one reason why so many people with AS wait years for a correct diagnosis.

from WebMD Health

Could the Next Pandemic Start at the County Fair?

By Emily Anthes and Maddie McGarvey from NYT Health

Monday 24 July 2023

Creativity Can Help With Alzheimer’s Agitation

photo of woman painting pottery

Agitation and anxiety are common Alzheimer’s symptoms. Learn creative ways to calm your loved one and help take the angst out of Alzheimer’s.

from WebMD Health

Migraine Home Remedies and 'Cures': What Really Works?

It’s understandable to want to do whatever it takes to make migraines stop. But some home remedies are better ideas than others.

from WebMD Health

As Injuries from Pickleball Surge, Here's How to Play Safely

photo of pickleball players

The adage “it’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt” readily applies to pickleball, as research shows medical costs of pickleball will top $377 million this year alone.

from WebMD Health

Sunday 23 July 2023

A Number That Should Guide Your Health Choices (It’s Not Your Age)

By Paula Span from NYT Health

Saturday 22 July 2023

A Mystery in the E.R.? Ask Dr. Chatbot for a Diagnosis.

By Gina Kolata from NYT Health

A Mystery in the E.R.? Ask Dr. Chatbot for a Diagnosis.

By Gina Kolata from NYT Health

Friday 21 July 2023

Handling the Heat: Are Some of Us Naturally Better at It?

photo of young woman cooling down with cold water

Do some people just have the ability to cope with sizzling temperatures and some don’t? It’s debated among experts, with some saying people may tend to have a better or worse tolerance to heat.

from WebMD Health

Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids: Good News, With Some Complications

photo of hearing aid

Audiologists, even those who generally support the idea of non-prescription hearing aids, worry that without an initial evaluation and ongoing care, people will buy the devices without understanding how to use or adjust them.

from WebMD Health

Thursday 20 July 2023

Tornado Tears Through Pfizer’s N.C. Site, Threatening Crucial Drug Supplies

By Christina Jewett from NYT Health

The Link Between Gout and Depression: What to Know

Gout is a form of arthritis that causes intense pain, redness, and swelling of the joints and extremities. If it’s not treated, it can lead to high blood pressure, heart attacks, diabetes, kidney problems, and obesity. Now, researchers are taking a closer look at another health challenge linked to gout: depression.

from WebMD Health

Finger-Prick Blood Test Promising for Alzheimer's Diagnosis

photo of blood drop on finger,

An easy-to-administer method of blood collection could make accurate diagnoses and regular monitoring easier for patients with suspected cognitive impairment.

from WebMD Health

Wednesday 19 July 2023

Your Heart Benefits Even If You Exercise as a ‘Weekend Warrior’

photo of Adult man doing exercise

A new study has encouraging news for weekend warriors: It’s the amount of exercise, not the pattern of exercise, that counts, even if the workouts aren’t evenly distributed over the week.

from WebMD Health

Insurers Deny Medical Care for the Poor at High Rates, Report Says

By Reed Abelson from NYT Health

Monday 17 July 2023

Article Hero Grid Test

Article Hero Grid Test

from WebMD Health

ADHD and Epilepsy in Adults: What to Know

What to know about the link between ADHD and epilepsy in adults.

from WebMD Health

Changing My Pace With Myasthenia Gravis

photo of woman reading book and drinking coffee

If you have myasthenia gravis, you may wonder how to manage your fatigue. One woman shares how she balances everything.

from WebMD Health

Saturday 15 July 2023

They Lost Their Legs. Doctors and Health Care Giants Profited.

By Katie Thomas, Jessica Silver-Greenberg and Robert Gebeloff from NYT Health

Friday 14 July 2023

Ketamine for Migraine: One Person’s Journey

Ketamine is not FDA-approved to treat migraine, but it shows some promise in some people. Read one person’s story.

from WebMD Health

Do-It-Yourself Medications: Self-Injected Drugs on the Rise

photo of woman using allergy auto injector

Having patients give themselves injections, when possible, not only saves clinic time and expense, but also spares the patients a trip to the clinic, of course, and often a copay.

from WebMD Health



from WebMD Health

Thursday 13 July 2023

Aspartame Is a Possible Cause of Cancer in Humans, a W.H.O. Agency Says

By Christina Jewett from NYT Health

Teach Your Kids to Stop the Spread of Viruses

photo of father and son washing hands

Learn some simple habits you can teach your kids that will help them – and your family – stay well and head off colds and flu.

from WebMD Health

F.D.A. Approves First U.S. Over-the-Counter Birth Control Pill

By Pam Belluck from NYT Health

Wednesday 12 July 2023

What Your Mucus Says About Your Health

photo of cold and flu supplies on bed

Yes, mucus – or snot, or phlegm – is gross, but it has vital clues about your health. Learn what it might be telling you and when to see a doctor.

from WebMD Health

How Psychedelics Can Heal a Broken Mind

Mind-altering drugs could open the brain to a state of childlike learning, aiding recovery from psychological trauma, brain injury, or paralysis.

from WebMD Health

Racism and Sexism Underlie Higher Maternal Death Rates for Black Women, U.N. Says

By Emily Baumgaertner and Farnaz Fassihi from NYT Health

How Psychedelics Can Heal a Broken Mind

Mind-altering drugs could open the brain to a state of childlike learning, aiding recovery from psychological trauma, brain injury, or paralysis.

from WebMD Health

Teenage Girls Were Behind a Surge in Mental Health Hospitalizations

By Ellen Barry from NYT Health

I’m Perfectly Healthy and Still Got High Blood Pressure. Why?

photo of bp gauge with high reading

You can develop primary hypertension and high blood pressure even if you exercise regularly, eat clean, and don’t smoke. We share ways to get ahead of a primary hypertension diagnosis, along with tips to keep this “silent” disease in check.

from WebMD Health