Showing posts with label WebMD Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WebMD Health. Show all posts

Wednesday 17 April 2024

Get Past Your Fears About Quitting Smoking

photo of feet on weight scale

Common quit smoking fears are debunked by experts, who offer tips on how to face and overcome worries such as weight gain or becoming stressed out.

from WebMD Health

Surprise Pregnancy: Could It Happen to You?

Almost half of all pregnancies in the U.S. are unplanned. Find out how this happens so often, from user error to irregular periods.

from WebMD Health

Tuesday 16 April 2024

RA and Biologics: Why Time Matters

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Biologics for rheumatoid arthritis can take a few months to work their best. Find out when you can expect a biologic drug for RA to start working.

from WebMD Health

Monday 15 April 2024

How Crohn’s Disease Changed My Routines

photo of woman taking supplement

Living with Crohn's disease means you need to be flexible in your daily routines. Learn one woman's tricks for living with Crohn's disease.

from WebMD Health

How to Stop Nighttime Coughing

Nighttime coughs may affect your sleep quality. Learn tips for relief so you can get the rest you need for healing.

from WebMD Health

Saturday 13 April 2024

Even Women Doctors Find Their Symptoms Aren’t Taken Seriously

photo of doctor greeting patient

Female doctors-turned-patients share their insights about why women’s symptoms are so often dismissed – and how to fix it.

from WebMD Health

Friday 12 April 2024

Emulsifiers Make Food Appetizing yet Bring Health Dangers

photo of ranch dip

Emulsifiers don’t necessarily equal junk food. Such substances can be found in many foods that are often considered healthy, such as some low-fat Greek yogurts, trail mix bars, or oat milk.

from WebMD Health

Tylenol During Pregnancy Won’t Increase Risk of ADHD, Autism

photo of acetaminophen pills

New findings should bring comfort to pregnant people who need pain relief, given that full-dose aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have been shown to pose serious risks to pregnant patients.

from WebMD Health

Thursday 11 April 2024

Tips and Strategies for Managing Life With Children With ADHD

photo of mother giving pill to daughter

Parents and caregivers of children with ADHD share their advice on how to help manage symptoms, teach coping skills, and improve daily life.

from WebMD Health

How to Retool Your Parenting Skills When Raising a Child With ADHD

photo of mother helping boy with homework

A new diagnosis calls for an adjustment to your discipline strategy. Here’s what may work best for your child.

from WebMD Health

Helping Your Child Come to Terms With Their ADHD

photo of mother and boy walking home

A new diagnosis can bring relief -- but also new worries. Here’s how to navigate them with your child.

from WebMD Health

Wednesday 10 April 2024

Have Health Questions? Ask S.A.R.A.H., an AI Health Assistant

photo of AI SARAH

S.A.R.A.H., which stands for Smart AI Resource Assistant for Health, uses Open AI’s GPT (generative pretrained transformer) large language model to answer a wide range of health questions.

from WebMD Health

Tuesday 9 April 2024

How Your ‘Sleep Style’ Can Determine Your Long-Term Health

photo of African-American woman sleeping in bed.

The way you sleep – or don’t -- can be surprisingly impactful. The type of sleeper you are may profoundly influence the roadmap your health takes for a decade or longer. Here's what to know.

from WebMD Health

Monday 8 April 2024

Collagen Supplements for Skin, Hair, and Nails: What to Know

photo of collagen powder

Data on collagen supplements is more plentiful than in the past, though still murky. Collagen supplements appear to be safe to take and somewhat effective, depending on what problem you’re trying to solve, what type of supplement you take, and which ingredients are included. Here's what to know.

from WebMD Health

Your Mental and Kidney Health

photo of counselor giving support to patients

IgA nephropathy can raise your chances of depression, anxiety, and stress. Here are some steps you can take to manage your mental and kidney health.

from WebMD Health

The Influencer: How Finding Her Voice Inspired a Community of Self-Healers

An Instagram influencer helps other people with Crohn’s and IBD heal themselves

from WebMD Health

Sunday 7 April 2024

The Need for Better Minority Enrollment in Multiple Myeloma Clinical Trials

photo of sample being pipetted into test tube

African Americans are more likely to develop multiple myeloma but are underrepresented in clinical trials. Here’s why and what can be done about it.

from WebMD Health

Friday 5 April 2024

Easing Stress, Easing Arthritis Symptoms

photo of mature men playing tennis

Learn how to reduce stress and manage arthritis symptoms with these simple tips from WebMD.

from WebMD Health

The Chef: How the Kitchen Can Heal and Help You Love Food Again

A chef with Crohn’s disease found the kitchen was the best place to heal and to rediscover his love of food.

from WebMD Health

Thursday 4 April 2024

6 Reasons to Drink Water

While we may not need eight glasses a day, there are plenty of reasons to drink water.

from WebMD Health