Friday 30 November 2018

An Abusive Partner May Worsen Menopause Symptoms

Women who are emotionally tormented by a spouse or partner may suffer from more night sweats, painful sex and hot flashes when their periods stop, researchers say.

from WebMD Health

Polio-Like Illness in Kids Often Misdiagnosed?

Some children diagnosed with acute flaccid myelitis (AFM) actually have some other neurological disorder, a new study suggests.

from WebMD Health

Stimulating Brain Area May Ease Tough Depression

People with moderate-to-severe depression saw significant improvement in their mood after electrical stimulation of a brain region called the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), a small study suggests.

from WebMD Health

Vaporized Pot Means a Higher High

Marijuana vaporizers heat pot to a temperature just below combustion, allowing people to inhale the intoxicating chemical THC from the plant material without breathing in any smoke.

from WebMD Health

What to Expect as a Caregiver

Many Americans are caregivers, bus some aren’t prepared for the job when it falls into their lap. Read advice for caregivers as they embark on their new role.

from WebMD Health