Wednesday 31 January 2024

What's New in Diabetes Treatment?

WebMD's guide to what's new in diabetes treatment.

from WebMD Health

How My Treatment Plan for Chronic Migraine Helped Me

photo of depressed woman in dark bedroom

A chronic migraine treatment plan might include medication, lifestyle changes, therapy, and more. Here's how one woman found the best options for her.

from WebMD Health

Tuesday 30 January 2024

Measles Warning Signs Growing: How Concerned Should We Be?

photo of measles rash

Throughout the COVID pandemic, what was happening in Europe foretold what we could expect here stateside. Is the same true for measles? WebMD asked experts just how concerned we should be, and what, if anything, about measles keeps them awake at night.

from WebMD Health

The Latest Treatments for Myasthenia Gravis

photo of iv drip

What are the new treatments for myasthenia gravis? An expert in the field gives an overview of immunotherapies and other breakthroughs.

from WebMD Health

Syphilis Is Soaring in the U.S.

By Apoorva Mandavilli from NYT Health