Friday 25 January 2019

'Wonder Dog' Alerts Owner to Blood Sugar Swings

photo of Kathleen and Emma

A new British study confirms that dogs can detect dangerous variations in a person's blood sugar.

from WebMD Health

Jillian Michaels Shows How to Fix 3 Core Moves People Always Get Wrong

Because who doesn’t want abs like Michaels’?

from Fitness -

Injuries Pile Up from Electric Scooters

photo of Xray of injured leg

Most of the 249 patients in the JAMA Network Open study were discharged after being patched up, but 15 people had to be hospitalized, including two with severe head injuries.

from WebMD Health

Gum Disease Bacteria Found in Alzheimer's Brains


Researchers studied dead and living patients with diagnosed and suspected Alzheimer's and found bacteria associated with chronic gum disease in the brains of people with Alzheimer's, BBC News reported.

from WebMD Health

Eat What You Want and Still Slim? Thank Your Genes

fork and measuring tape

The investigators spotted several common genetic variations already linked with obesity. They also found new genetic regions tied to severe obesity, and some others linked to "healthy thinness."

from WebMD Health