It recommended letting water flow from a hose for a few minutes so that it can cool before it's sprayed on people or animals, CBS News reported.
from WebMD Health
It recommended letting water flow from a hose for a few minutes so that it can cool before it's sprayed on people or animals, CBS News reported.
Physiological stress response is a normal reaction to a challenge in work and private life, but can involve a number of changes that might affect heart function, clotting and plaque in blood vessels, he explained.
Broken down, about 15 percent of 12th graders said they would try marijuana if it was legal. And about 10 percent of current users said they would use it more often.
Doctors are often forced to use either time-consuming or unreliable questionnaires that look for symptoms, or invasive colonoscopies. IBS symptoms can include stomach pain, bloating, and diarrhea and/or constipation.