Monday, 18 June 2018

Work Your Entire Body in 60 Seconds With This Cardio Kickboxing Workout From Katie Austin

Katie Austin leads this 1-minute routine full of punches, kicks and, jumps that will get you're heart heart pumping in no time.

from Fitness -

Pediatricians Say No to Spanking

The survey revealed that 74 percent of respondents did not approve of spanking, and 78 percent said spanking never or rarely leads to better behavior.

from WebMD Health

What If You Lose Your Child at an Amusement Park?

While most parents said they would report a ride operator who appeared impaired by alcohol or drugs, less than half said they would report a ride operator who used a cellphone while operating a ride.

from WebMD Health

Vitamin D May Guard Against Colon Cancer

The chances of developing colon cancer decline about 19 percent in women and 7 percent in men for every incremental increase in blood vitamin D levels, the researchers found.

from WebMD Health

Try This 15-Minute Resistance Band Routine to Work Your Entire Body and Re-Energize Your Day

Katie Austin is back!

from Fitness -