Thursday 12 July 2018

Fatty Fare a Fave for 'Otzi the Iceman'

The wild meat consumed by Otzi was eaten fresh or perhaps dried. The presence of toxic bracken particles could be due to Otzi taking bracken as a way to treat intestinal problems caused by parasites, or by using the leaves to wrap food.

from WebMD Health

Immune Therapy May Help Melanoma in the Brain

A therapy that harnesses the body’s immune system to target and destroy cancer cells has been found to help people with melanoma that has spread to the brain.

from WebMD Health

Mice Don’t Know When to Let It Go, Either

By ERICA GOODE from NYT Health

Half of Americans Trying to Slim Down

Half of Americans say they've tried to lose weight in the past year -- including two-thirds of those who were obese, CDC researchers say.

from WebMD Health

Study: High Blood Pressure Threatens Aging Brain

Older people with high systolic blood pressure readings (the top number) had higher risks of having blood vessel blockages in the brain and tangles linked to Alzheimer's disease, researchers found in a study that tracked more than 1,300 people until they died.

from WebMD Health