Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Could Pot-Linked Drug Help Alzheimer's Agitation?

Canadian researchers found that a form of synthetic THC – ingredient in pot that gets you high - significantly decreased agitation in a small group of Alzheimer's patients, working even better than the drugs now used.

from WebMD Health https://ift.tt/2mEw0LZ

Puppy to the Rescue: Dogs Sense Need, Run to Help

Dogs not only sense what their owners are feeling, but if a dog knows a way to help them, they'll go through barriers to provide help to them, researchers at Johns Hopkins University report.

from WebMD Health https://ift.tt/2v5dRea

Cancer Survival Drops With Complementary Therapy: Study

Looking at patients diagnosed from 2004 to 2013, the researchers found those who chose complementary medicine in addition to conventional treatments had a greater risk of dying during the study period.

from WebMD Health https://ift.tt/2Ohqc7M

Monday, 23 July 2018

Alzheimer's Tests May Miss Women, Overdiagnose Men

woman with alzheimers

The tests that doctors use to diagnose Alzheimer’s catch women later in the disease, a problem that may deny women early care, overdiagnose some men and skew research findings, according to a new study presented at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in Chicago.

from WebMD Health https://ift.tt/2JOazAY

For the First Time, a Female Ebola Survivor Infects Others

By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. from NYT Health https://ift.tt/2JTRL3G