Thursday, 2 August 2018
Brain 'Plasticity': Boy OK After Drastic Surgery
The boy's intellect, visual perception and object recognition skills have all remained age-appropriate, even with a large portion of his brain gone.
from WebMD Health
'Moderate' Drinking May Protect Brain
Middle-aged people who drink moderately -- no more than a glass of wine a day -- may have a relatively lower risk of developing dementia later in life.
from WebMD Health
Wednesday, 1 August 2018
Bioengineered Lungs Transplanted Into Pigs
The lungs, which were tissue-matched to each individual pig, were grown in the laboratory. Each pig received one bioengineered lung and retained an original lung.
from WebMD Health
Germs Gaining Resistance to Hand Gels in Hospitals
This family of bacteria account for a tenth of hospital-acquired bacterial infections worldwide, and are the fourth and fifth leading cause of blood poisoning in North America and Europe, respectively.
from WebMD Health