In July 2017, doctors removed a blood clot above his left eye at the Mayo Clinic Hospital in Phoenix, AZ. During that procedure, they found a brain tumor known as glioblastoma associated with the clot.
from WebMD Health
In July 2017, doctors removed a blood clot above his left eye at the Mayo Clinic Hospital in Phoenix, AZ. During that procedure, they found a brain tumor known as glioblastoma associated with the clot.
Former CDC Director Tom Frieden was arrested Friday in New York City and charged with sex abuse.
Researchers studying how the human immune system adapts itself to birth saw “drastic changes” in the babies' immune system early in life. They hope the findings will one day allow scientists to steer the immune system in different directions, and perhaps prevent autoimmune diseases and allergies.
Investigators who studied nearly 200,000 young women said they found no elevated risk of premature menopause after recommended vaccinations, including for the human papillomavirus.
On average, breast cancer survivors get hit with an extra $1,100 in yearly out-of-pocket cancer-driven costs, researchers have found.