Sonequa Martin-Green learns valuable lessons from her most important role yet—helping her mother through cancer
from WebMD Health
Sonequa Martin-Green learns valuable lessons from her most important role yet—helping her mother through cancer
Maria Menounos talk about her career, health advice, and her experience with a brain tumor.
While the study couldn't prove cause-and-effect, experts said the findings spotlight the potential impact of such diets -- or any "extreme" way of eating -- on long-term health.
Even after accounting for variations in smoking, drinking and dietary habits, a new study finds that the risk of heart attack rose by 18 percent among women and 30 percent among men coping with a high or very high degree of mental distress. (The risk faded somewhat among men 80 and older.)
A new analysis of 11 studies that included a total of more than 1 million adults without heart disease suggests the sweet spot is six to eight hours a night. The studies were published within the past five years.