Moving the kickoff line forward by just five yards -- from the 35- to the 40-yard line -- reduced the average annual concussion rate in Ivy League football by more than 68 percent, a new study says.
from WebMD Health
Moving the kickoff line forward by just five yards -- from the 35- to the 40-yard line -- reduced the average annual concussion rate in Ivy League football by more than 68 percent, a new study says.
New research suggests that if you're marketing protein-rich insects as edibles, emphasizing flavor and luxury is key.
For people with type 2 diabetes, taking a diuretic raised the odds of having an amputation, or requiring an angioplasty or bypass, by 75 percent or more, compared with those not using the medicines, researchers said this week.
The researchers found that even though the women were relatively well-off, nearly 16 percent said their diagnosis was financially catastrophic. More than half had out-of-pocket costs of $3,500 or more. And 5 percent faced out-of-pocket costs of more than $30,000.