Wednesday 17 October 2018

WebMD Infographic: Missing the Signs

Do you know if your child is stressed? View this chart to learn more about the signs.

from WebMD Health

In Pregnancy, Doctors' Focus is on Baby, Not Mom

Experts say there has long been concern that obstetrics has focused on babies’ well-being almost to the exclusion or certainly to the detriment of moms, and many hope and believe that tide is starting to turn.

from WebMD Health

Post-surgery pounds can predict health problems

In a study of pounds regained after weight-loss surgery, the percentage of pounds put back on helped predict serious health problems, researchers said.

from WebMD Health

Number of Autism Genes Now Tops 100

Researchers say that we now know of 102 genes that are associated with autism.

from WebMD Health

U.S. Birth Rates Still Dropping, Moms Still Older

Fewer babies are being born in the United States, and women are generally older when they have their first child, according to a new government report.

from WebMD Health