More than 8,300 children and teenagers come to the emergency department each year to be treated for a gunshot wound, at a cost of roughly $270 million a year in hospital bills, researchers report.
from WebMD Health
More than 8,300 children and teenagers come to the emergency department each year to be treated for a gunshot wound, at a cost of roughly $270 million a year in hospital bills, researchers report.
Instead of placing the sperm and eggs into incubators, they are put into a device called an INVOcell that's placed in the body for five days where the eggs are fertilized and early embryo development begins.
Adenovirus typically causes cold-like symptoms, but can be fatal in weakened patients. The children at Wanaque have developmental disorders or immune deficiencies.
Research suggests that more than 300,000 Americans have sesame allergy, according to Lisa Gable, CEO of the nonprofit group Food Allergy Research and Education.
Parents who choose not to vaccinate their children against HPV do so most often because of safety concerns, rather than that the vaccination will lead to greater sexual activity, a new study has found.