Monday 5 November 2018

Dogs Can Detect Malaria. How Useful Is That?

By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. from NYT Health

Surgery Helps Boy Walk After Polio-Like Illness

child walking down road

Surgery performed by a St. Louis doctor has restored the ability to walk in a boy paralyzed by a polio-like condition called acute flaccid myelitis (AFM), CBS News reported

from WebMD Health

Noisy Neighborhood? Your Heart May Pay a Price

Chronic noise from traffic and airports appears to trigger a brain region critically involved in stress regulation, brain scans have revealed, which could raise the risk for heart problems.

from WebMD Health

Is 'Spring Forward' Tied to More A-Fib Admissions?

After the start of Daylight Saving Time, 3.13 people a day were admitted to a New York hospital for atrial fibrillation, significantly more than the 2.56 daily admissions for the same problem rest of the year, researchers said. The findings add evidence that Daylight Saving Time may adversely affect health, the scientists said.

from WebMD Health