Bacteria from breastfeeding and from formula behave differently in babies, nrew research says.
from WebMD Health
Bacteria from breastfeeding and from formula behave differently in babies, nrew research says.
Though new parents often expect baby to sleep through the night by 6 months of age, a large percentage do not, a study has revealed.
Research has shown any small amount of activity provides a solid contribution to a person's health, according to the second edition of the guidelines unveiled Monday at the American Heart Association's annual meeting in Chicago.
And new study finds no reason to get routine vitamin D tests, researchers say.
Researchers have been searching for possible treatments for acute flaccid myelitis, or AFM. Lab tests showed that fluoxetine had antiviral effects against a virus associated with the disorder, so some experts had suggested that the antidepressant might be a possible treatment for the disorder.