Monday 19 November 2018

3 Easy Ways to Fix Your Form the Next Time You Hop on a Rowing Machine

No, that’s not where the handlebar goes.

from Fitness -

Nearly 1 in 12 U.S. Kids Has a Food Allergy

Childhood food allergies are relatively common and should be taken seriously, with 1 in 5 having a reaction that takes them to the emergency room every year.

from WebMD Health

Workplace Bullies Can Threaten the Heart

Researchers have found that people who were bullied at work had a 59 percent higher risk of heart disease than those not exposed to bullying.

from WebMD Health

Secondhand Pot Smoke Found in Kids' Lungs

New research has found evidence of secondhand marijuana smoke exposure in nearly half of children whose parents smoke the drug.

from WebMD Health

Drug Recalls Put Spotlight on Drug Supply Chains

test tubes and dropper

Nearly 8 out of 10 medications Americans take have some component made abroad, largely in developing industrial powers China and India.

from WebMD Health