from Fitness -
Friday, 30 November 2018
This Katie Austin Full-Body Workout Only Requires 60 Seconds and 2 Soup Cans
from Fitness -
Study: Smoking Relapse Less Likely Among Vapers
In a small new study of people who vape, about half said they had a cigarette occasionally but did not consider it a complete relapse into smoking.
from WebMD Health
New Amputation Surgery Eliminates 'Phantom' Effect
A mountain climber from Maine is scaling rock walls again after having a new type of amputation surgery that eliminates the “phantom limb” effect.
from WebMD Health
Asian Longhorned Tick Is Invading United States
Americans have unwelcome eight-legged visitors from the East, and they're here to stay. The Asian longhorned tick has already turned up in Arkansas, Connecticut, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia, where it's been found on domestic animals and wildlife, and at least two people, the researchers said.
from WebMD Health
Two More Valsartan Drugs Make Growing Recall List
All of the recalled products have ingredients manufactured in either China or India. The sudden rush of recalls because of ingredients made overseas has put more scrutiny on these foreign labs and on the FDA’s ability to effectively monitor their products for safety.
from WebMD Health