Flakka has been linked to rashes of bizarre behavior, which has led the media to refer to it as the 'zombie' or, incorrectly, as the “cannibal” drug.
from WebMD Health https://wb.md/2B7wxO4
Flakka has been linked to rashes of bizarre behavior, which has led the media to refer to it as the 'zombie' or, incorrectly, as the “cannibal” drug.
With donor organs in short supply, the hope is that animal organs can keep patients alive while they await a human donor.
To stay safe in frigid weather, keep your head, face and nose covered, dress in layers to prevent heat loss, and wear sturdy, insulated boots with thick wool socks.
Researchers found changes in areas of the brain that affect pain and pain relief when study subjects were deprived of sleep.
Although tight blood pressure control didn’t reduce the risk of full-blown dementia in the study, it did reduce the risk of mild cognitive impairment, an early form of the disease.