Tuesday, 5 February 2019

Why Are More Americans Using Medical Marijuana?

medical marijuana

Of the licensed medical marijuana patients, 85.5 percent said they were seeking treatment for an evidence-based condition, with chronic pain accounting for 62 percent of qualifying conditions, according to a new study.

from WebMD Health https://wb.md/2SamulQ

How Trump’s Latest Plan to Cut Drug Prices Will Affect You

By KATIE THOMAS and REED ABELSON from NYT Health https://nyti.ms/2WJTVKL

Six Deaths Blamed on Faulty Defibrillator


The Stryker company sells the LIFEPAK 15 Monitor/Defibrillators and reports that the it has received 58 complaints of devices freezing after delivering its electric shock.

from WebMD Health https://wb.md/2DeIrG0

Fish Oil Supplements: A Fish Tale or a Good Catch?

fish oil

Are fish oil supplements an easy way to help your heart, joints and brain, or are they 21st century snake oil products? The truth may be somewhere in the middle.

from WebMD Health https://wb.md/2Ssj8dk

Groom Rises From Wheelchair to Dance With Bride

A groom rises from his wheelchair to dance with his bride.

from WebMD Health https://wb.md/2GqcDkO