Friday, 8 February 2019

Study: Social Media Not A Teen Depression Trigger

cell phone

Social media use did not predict the development of depression symptoms among school kids or college students, researchers found.

from WebMD Health

Fluoroquinolones Over-prescribed Despite Dangers

cipro pills

In the past year, more concerns about the drugs’ side effects have led the FDA to issue new warnings about their use.

from WebMD Health

U.S. Rep. John Dingell, Health Policy Titan, Dies

John Dingell

The Michigan Democrat chaired the House Energy and Commerce Committee and his impact on health care was immense.

from WebMD Health

Thursday, 7 February 2019

Global Rate of Suicide Deaths Is on the Decline

woman stating out window

Only further study can determine whether the decline is due to better suicide prevention efforts or to general improvements in population health, the researchers said.

from WebMD Health

Drug May Be Safer Option Against Repeat Stroke

illustration of stroke

The risk of another stroke caused by a blood clot was halved for patients who took the drug Pletal plus aspirin or clopidogrel, versus those who took aspirin or clopidogrel alone.

from WebMD Health