Tuesday, 12 February 2019

HPV Might Be Behind Vocal Cord Cancers in Young

hpv virus

Vocal cord, or glottic cancer, has been associated strongly with smoking and almost entirely seen in patients over 40 years, but today nonsmokers make up nearly half of glottic cancer patients, and it is common for them to be diagnosed under the age of

from WebMD Health https://wb.md/2RTHDfb

More Men Holding Off on Prostate Cancer Surgery

prostate cancer cells

Over just five years, researchers found, the number of men who opted for monitoring tripled -- from 14 percent of patients in 2010, to 42 percent in 2015.

from WebMD Health https://wb.md/2I9Io48

Study: New Hepatitis Meds Are Saving Lives

cirrhosis of the liver

According to the researchers, this is the first study to show the effectiveness of direct-acting antivirals in patients with chronic hepatitis C infection.

from WebMD Health https://wb.md/2RYmQXP

'Ultraprocessed' Foods Tied to Higher Death Risk

frozen dinner tray

The researchers found that each 10 percent increase in the amount of ultraprocessed foods consumed was associated with a 14 percent higher risk of early death, CNN reported.

from WebMD Health https://wb.md/2N3erl4

Teen Defies Mother, Gets Vaccinations

gloved hand with syringe of flu vaccine

High school senior Ethan Lindenberger said his parents' misguided anti-vaccine beliefs put him, and his younger siblings, at risk, CBS News reported.

from WebMD Health https://wb.md/2GmPznN