from Fitness -
Thursday, 14 February 2019
3 Stretches That'll Help You Wake Up in the Morning
from Fitness -
Could Diet Sodas Raise Older Women's Stroke Risk?
Women who drank two or more diet drinks per day saw their overall stroke risk rise by 23 percent, compared with those who had diet drinks less than once a week.
from WebMD Health
Alcohol Problems Grow as Booze Gets a Bigger Kick
It’s only in the past decade or two that most states allowed higher-alcohol beers to be sold in restaurants and stores. Most had an ABV limit of 6% or 7%. In other words, those estimates do not reflect that a 12-ounce beer with an alcohol by volume of 10% has about twice the alcohol content of a 5-ounce glass of wine.
from WebMD Health
Wednesday, 13 February 2019
Pumped Breast Milk Falls Short of Direct Nursing
Researchers found that breast milk from women who pumped tended to have more potentially bad bacteria than milk from women who fed their infants only from the breast.
from WebMD Health
Teen Pot Use Raises Later Suicide Risk
Not only were those who smoked marijuana more likely to suffer depression and suicidal thoughts, they were also more than three times as likely to attempt suicide between the ages of 18 and 32.
from WebMD Health