Tuesday, 19 February 2019

CDC: Turkey-Linked Salmonella Cases Now at 279

ground turkey

Cases have been reported in 41 states and the District of Columbia, and 107 people have been hospitalized. One death was previously reported in California.

from WebMD Health https://wb.md/2V0Vcv8

Finding LGBTQ-Friendly Health Care a Challenge

Contreras family

Health care providers are recognizing and trying to meet the need for more inclusive and LGBTQ-friendly health care.

from WebMD Health https://wb.md/2SJ9HqV

Chronic Wasting Disease Found in Deer in 24 States

baby deer

There is no evidence the disease can spread to people, the CDC said, but hunters should be careful around potentially infected animals.

from WebMD Health https://wb.md/2DW91nD

Monday, 18 February 2019

Kaiser Permanente’s New Medical School Will Waive Tuition for Its First 5 Classes

By ABBY GOODNOUGH from NYT Health https://nyti.ms/2DTshlM