Battery-powered pacemakers have to be replaced every five to 12 years. So, some scientists have been working an alternative: battery-free pacemakers that in theory would never have to be replaced.
from WebMD Health
Battery-powered pacemakers have to be replaced every five to 12 years. So, some scientists have been working an alternative: battery-free pacemakers that in theory would never have to be replaced.
Compared with women who didn't get acupuncture, those who did had significant reductions in hot flashes, a recent study found.
The study showed that a high-fat diet is linked to unfavorable changes in the type and numbers of gut bacteria, known as the microbiome, as well increasing inflammatory triggers in the body.
Despite what should have been a very restrictive distribution system, as many as half of the patients receiving a specific form of fentanyl did not meet the requirements to get it, researchers said