Thursday, 28 February 2019

Why Do Some Kids With Eczema Get Food Allergies?

moisturizing baby

A recent study of children with eczema found that those with food allergies had differences in their skin that kids without allergies did not have.

from WebMD Health

Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Has America's Fight Against HIV Stalled?

Hiv Aids

After years of significant declines, the number of new HIV infections began to level off in 2013, the CDC says. The cause: Effective HIV prevention and treatments are not reaching those who could most benefit, according to the CDC.

from WebMD Health

Mom Blazes Path to Cure for Son’s Rare Disease

photo of AJ Harwood

Although the FDA has approved 400 treatments for rare diseases, progress toward finding cures for the 7,000 remains slow

from WebMD Health

Tick Bites Even More Likely to Cause Meat Allergy?

asian longhorn tick

New research suggests that every tick bite could potentially lead to meat allergy, a greater risk than had been suspected.

from WebMD Health

Prenatal Vitamins May Lower 2nd Child Autism Risk

pregnant woman holidng pills

Mothers who used prenatal vitamins, especially in the first month of pregnancy, had a reduced risk of having a second child with autism, a new study has found.

from WebMD Health