Thursday, 28 February 2019

Cholesterol Meds May Not Help Ward Off Dementia

blood pressure

Combinations of drugs that lower blood pressure and/or statins to control high cholesterol did cut the chances of heart problems in people in a new study, but did not appear to have an effect on thinking and memory declines.

from WebMD Health

Study: Seniors With UTIs Need Antibiotics Fast

urinary tract illustration

Delaying or withholding antibiotics in this age group can increase the risk of bloodstream infection (sepsis) and death, researchers reported Feb. 27 in the BMJ.

from WebMD Health

Could Blood Tests Replace Surgical Lung Biospies?

blood test

The so-called liquid biopsy is as effective as testing tissue samples in diagnosing advanced non-small cell lung cancer, researcher say.

from WebMD Health

Danger Abounds When Meds and Your Genes Don’t Mix

DNA strand

Almost everyone -- 99% of people -- has at least one gene variant that would cause them to respond to one or more medications differently than expected. Many people have several of these variants.

from WebMD Health

Could Blood Tests Replace Invasive Lung Biospies?

blood test

The so-called liquid biopsy is as effective as testing tissue samples in diagnosing advanced non-small cell lung cancer, researcher say.

from WebMD Health