Monday, 18 March 2019

Rx Fish Oil Cuts Heart Dangers in Statin Takers

illustration of heart attack

The study suggests that the prescription fish oil pill, not to be confused with over-the-counter supplements, reduces the lifetime risk of dying from heart disease; having a non-fatal heart attack or stroke; or needing heart surgery or hospitalization for a heart complication.

from WebMD Health

More Teens, Kids Seeking Mental Health Care in ERs

couple crisis

Between 2011 and 2015 alone, there was a 28 percent jump in psychiatric visits among Americans between the ages of 6 and 24.

from WebMD Health

Docs Back Off Aspirin to Prevent 1st Heart Attack

aspirin in hand

The American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association agree that for older adults at low heart risk, the chance of bleeding that comes with daily low-dose aspirin outweighs any heart benefit.

from WebMD Health

Your Apple Watch Might Help Spot Dangerous A-Fib

Apple Watch smartwatch

The study improves understanding of how this wearable technology and app works in the real-world setting and how well the technology can detect long periods of a-fib, said a study co-leader.

from WebMD Health

Docs Back Off Aspirin to Prevent Heart Attack

aspirin in hand

The American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association agree that for older adults at low heart risk, the chance of bleeding that comes with daily low-dose aspirin outweighs any heart benefit.

from WebMD Health