Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Walk, Dance, Clean: Just Move to Live Longer

woman cleaning bathtub

Americans who got in just 10 to 59 minutes of moderate physical activity every week had an 18 percent lower risk of death from any cause, compared with couch potatoes, the researchers found

from WebMD Health

FDA Approves First Drug for Postpartum Depression

mother and baby

The drug, Zulesso (brexanolone), is delivered via intravenous infusion.

from WebMD Health

FDA Approves First Drug for Postpartum Depression

mother and baby

The drug, Zulesso (brexanolone), is delivered via intravenous infusion.

from WebMD Health

Roundup Caused Man's Cancer: Jury

pesticide being sprayed onto plants

Monsanto, now owned by pharmaceutical company Bayer, faces more than 9,000 Roundup-related lawsuits in the United States, The Guardian reported.

from WebMD Health

Can High-Potency Pot Make You Psychotic?


As many as 1 in 5 newly diagnosed cases of psychosis might be linked to daily cannabis use, according to data gathered from 11 hospitals across Europe.

from WebMD Health