Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Mysterious SCAD Heart Attack Strikes Younger Women


While rare, more than 90% of people who suffer a SCAD heart attack are women, and it’s responsible for 40% of heart attacks in women under the age of 50.

from WebMD Health

FDA Takes New Look at Breast Implant Safety

breast implant

On Tuesday, the FDA warned two breast implant makers that they'd failed to conduct adequate long-term studies of their implants' effects on women's health.

from WebMD Health

Check Out This Amazing Belly Dance Workout With Janelle Issis

Tone your core with belly dance.

from Fitness -

Scalding Hot Tea May Boost Esophageal Cancer Risk

hot tea

A previous study linked hot tea with esophageal cancer, but this new one is the first to pinpoint a specific temperature, according to the researchers.

from WebMD Health