The benefits of pet ownership include helping their people enjoy life; making them feel loved; reducing their stress, and providing a sense of purpose, the new National Poll on Healthy Aging found.
from WebMD Health
The benefits of pet ownership include helping their people enjoy life; making them feel loved; reducing their stress, and providing a sense of purpose, the new National Poll on Healthy Aging found.
Have you resolved to lose weight? A dietitian suggests breaking your big weight loss goal into smaller, more realistic steps you can take to improve your quality of life.
Feeling alone ranks up there with smoking, obesity, and physical inactivity in terms of its effects on your health, an expert says.
The United Kingdom study was both lambasted and praised by experts approached by Medscape Medical News.
After adjusting for such factors as age and whether women had ever given birth, any use of birth control pills was associated with a 46% lower risk of death within a year of an ovarian cancer diagnosis, the study found.