Worldwide, injuries from accidents, falls and burns (22%), heart attacks (17%), lung infections (11%) and strokes (7%) were the leading emergencies in 2015.
from WebMD Health
Worldwide, injuries from accidents, falls and burns (22%), heart attacks (17%), lung infections (11%) and strokes (7%) were the leading emergencies in 2015.
"It's an imperfect vaccine but it still has the potential to save tens of thousands of lives," one expert said.
Almost half of baby boomers in a WebMD reader survey said they haven't been tested for hepatitis C. And as many aren't aware that a cure exists.
"It's an imperfect vaccine but it still has the potential to save tens of thousands of lives," one expert said.
Over time, one expert said, exposure to high amounts of such contaminants can prompt the onset of progressive lung illnesses such as emphysema, chronic bronchitis and asthma.