Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Like ‘Uber for Organs’: Drone Delivers Kidney to Maryland Woman

By KAREN ZRAICK from NYT Health https://nyti.ms/2J5wW8z

Young Adults Flocking to Energy Drinks

Mixing energy drinks with alcohol is growing in popularity among young adults and can lead to overdrinking and related threats such as impaired driving, the report noted.

from WebMD Health https://wb.md/2PCX3oC

More Evidence Backs CBD For Kids' Rare Epilepsy

eeg of brain during seizure

CBD products are derived from marijuana, but do not include THC, the active agent in pot that causes a "high."

from WebMD Health https://wb.md/2IR574w

1 Radiation Dose Enough For Some Prostate Cancers

radiation treatment

High-dose radiation could be more convenient for low-risk patients, and less time-consuming and costly for the medical system.

from WebMD Health https://wb.md/2J1p33Y

Drug Agency Calls for Strong Warning Labels on Popular Sleep Aids

By BENEDICT CAREY from NYT Health https://nyti.ms/2ZMrmOb