Wednesday 29 May 2019

Being Transgender Not a Mental Disorder, WHO Says

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The term gender incongruence is used by the WHO to describe people whose gender identity is different from the gender they were assigned at birth.

from WebMD Health

Breaking the Ultrasound Barrier to Fight Disease

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Ultrasound to open the blood-brain barrier in Alzheimer’s disease is the latest in the growing field of focused ultrasound. With focused ultrasound, doctors use the sound waves to actively treat a condition rather than passively produce images of it.

from WebMD Health

First Trial of Opioid Maker Begins

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The case, Oklahoma vs. J&J, is being closely watched by lawyers in nearly 1,900 similar state and federal cases in the U.S.

from WebMD Health

FDA OKs Wearable Device for Migraine Pain

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The FDA has cleared a noninvasive device that uses smartphone-controlled electronic pulses to relieve acute migraine pain.

from WebMD Health

'Bad' Cholesterol, Rare Alzheimer's May Be Linked

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If research confirms that high cholesterol plays a role in Alzheimer’s disease, officials may need to reduce our target levels for “bad” LDL cholesterol, the study author said.

from WebMD Health