After reports of serious, antibiotic-resistant infections, the FDA is alerting all health care professionals who do fecal transplants about the potential serious risk so they can inform their patients.
from WebMD Health
After reports of serious, antibiotic-resistant infections, the FDA is alerting all health care professionals who do fecal transplants about the potential serious risk so they can inform their patients.
Though less well-known than anorexia nervosa or bulimia -- and not as well-documented -- a new study review says the eating disorder known as orthorexia can also have serious emotional and physical consequences.
Researchers studied sediment that reflected lake conditions from about 1890 to 2016 and found peak DDT levels in the 1970s and 1980s. But the DDT concentrations in the current layer were still higher than considered safe for fish, frogs and other aquatic life.