Monday 1 July 2019

Most Americans Have Never Had an HIV Test: CDC

blood viles

Less than 40% of Americans have ever had an HIV test.

from WebMD Health

Where a Woman's Fat Lies Hints at Heart Risks

apple body shape

Researchers report that if you look more like an apple than a pear, your chances of heart trouble are heightened, even if you are a normal weight.

from WebMD Health

Soy's Heart Benefits Hold Steady Over Time

soy beans and tofu

The team's findings come as the FDA mulls possibly removing the right to a labeling claim that soy "may reduce the risk of heart disease," first approved by the agency in 1999.

from WebMD Health

Gut Bacteria Help May Boost Obese People's Health


Over three months, volunteers who used a pasteurized version of the supplement lost an average of 5 pounds. Meanwhile, their cholesterol levels dipped and the progression of their "pre-diabetes" slowed.

from WebMD Health

Low Vitamin D at Birth Tied to High Blood Pressure

blood pressure machine

Compared to children born with normal vitamin D levels, those born with low levels -- less than 11 nanograms per millimeter (ng/ml) in cord blood -- had a 60% higher risk of elevated systolic blood pressure (upper number in a reading) between ages 6 and 18.

from WebMD Health