Friday 19 July 2019

EPA Won't Ban Pesticide Linked to Harm in Children

pesticide being sprayed onto plants

Even though the pesticide chlorpyrifos has been linked to brain harm in children, it will not be banned in the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency announced Thursday.

from WebMD Health

Diabetes Raises Heart Failure Risk More in Women

woman checking blood sugar

Diabetes brings with it a variety of long-term complications, but at least one of those -- heart failure -- is a bigger threat to women than men, new research suggests.

from WebMD Health

Thursday 18 July 2019

Study Casts Doubt on Safety of Herbal Drug Kratom

Kratom, made from the leaves of a Southeast Asian plant, is usually used to treat pain and addiction. But poison control center data shows it has been tied to seizures, withdrawal, hallucinations, agitation and rapid heart rate, researchers report.

from WebMD Health

The 'Bottom' Blood Pressure Number Matters, Too

A new study confirms that both numbers are, in fact, critical in determining the risk of heart attack and stroke.

from WebMD Health

Money Might Motivate Smokers to Quit Long Term

man breaking cigarette

Financial rewards for quitting smoking do help smokers -- including pregnant women -- kick the habit and remain smoke-free, a new study confirms.

from WebMD Health