Patients are 16% more likely to have a heart-related health crisis if their PCSK9 prescription is rejected than if it is covered and filled for a year, according to researchers.
from WebMD Health
Patients are 16% more likely to have a heart-related health crisis if their PCSK9 prescription is rejected than if it is covered and filled for a year, according to researchers.
His study found that a large waist size -- about 35 inches or more -- significantly increased the risk of an early death for women over 49, even when they had a normal BMI.
More than 30% of people with invasive C. auris infections die, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. There have been 685 confirmed cases and 30 probable cases in the United States since 2016.
Three customers have complained to Boppy that the product caused their child’s head to be pushed forward, chin to chest, but no injuries were reported.