Monday, 12 August 2019

Too Much Napping May Signal Alzheimer's

grandfather grandson napping

Areas of the brain that keep you awake during the day are damaged in the early stages of the memory-robbing  disease, which is why people with Alzheimer's may nap excessively long before they start to struggle with forgetting things, the study authors said.

from WebMD Health

What TV Binge-Watching Does to Your Brain

woman watching tv

If you indulge often, this cycle and the side effects of binge-watching can lead to harmful brain and body changes.

from WebMD Health

Two New Ebola Treatments Prove Highly Effective in Congo Epidemic

By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. from NYT Health

Your Guide to 'Female Viagra'

Medicines for low sex drive in women are often called “female Viagra.” Find out what they are and whether they might work to boost your sex drive.

from WebMD Health