Thursday, 12 September 2019

Do Baby Food Pouches Cause Eating Problems?

baby in high chair

Child health experts say overusing baby food pouches could potentially breed poor eating habits and stunt development of feeding skills and motor coordination at a critical stage of life.

from WebMD Health

White House Moves to Ban Flavored E-Cigarettes

photo of vape juice

The news came amid growing concern over the six deaths and 450 possible cases of lung illness linked with the use of e-cigarette products. But many of those cases appear to be linked to THC cartridges, not flavored tobacco.

from WebMD Health

Dementia Caregivers Often Face Sleepless Nights

Nurse with man on porch

Investigators at Baylor University in Waco, Texas, found caregivers lost between 2.5 to 3.5 hours of sleep a week due to difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep.

from WebMD Health

What Is Your Risk for Prostate Cancer?

immune system attacking cancer cells

The American Cancer Society estimates there will be nearly 175,000 new prostate cancer cases in the United States this year and over 31,000 deaths. One in nine men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime.

from WebMD Health

Fitter Bodies Make for Healthier Brains, Study Finds

photo of women doing water aerobics

If you're looking for incentives to hit the gym, new research suggests that staying in good shape may help preserve brain structure, boost memory, and improve the ability to think clearly and quickly.

from WebMD Health