Wednesday 30 October 2019

How Tim McGraw Turned His Health Around

tim mcgraw performing

Ten years ago, too many beers too much junk food caught up with Tim McGraw, to the tune of 40 extra pounds. Read how he bounced back, gradually, and how he wants to inspire others.

from WebMD Health

Not All Heart Failure Patients Get Same Level of Care, Study Finds

photo of african american woman meditating

After adjusting for a number of factors, her team found that Hispanic patients were 17% less likely to be admitted to a heart specialty unit, and black patients were 9% less likely.

from WebMD Health

Lab Worker Infected With Smallpox-Related Virus

photo of small pox on finger

Investigators say the worker had been briefed on the risks of working with the virus and was offered a vaccine to prevent it, but she declined to get it.

from WebMD Health

No Asbestos Found in New Tests of Baby Powder: J&J

baby powder

No asbestos was detected in 15 new tests of the same bottle of Johnson & Johnson's Baby Powder previously found to contain asbestos by the FDA, the company said Tuesday.

from WebMD Health

Groups Urge Ban of Mint, Menthol E-Cig Flavors

photo of counterfeit vaping products

The Trump administration must include mint and menthol in any plan to halt sales of flavored e-cigarette products, more than 50 health and advocacy groups said Tuesday.

from WebMD Health