Wednesday 4 December 2019

Study Links Hair Straighteners, Dyes to Breast Cancer

woman with long straight hair

Researchers analyzed data from nearly 47,000 U.S. women, followed for an average of more than eight years as part of the federally funded Sisters Study. All of the women had a sister who'd been diagnosed with breast cancer, but they didn't have breast cancer themselves at the start of the study.

from WebMD Health

Low-Dose Aspirin Might Cut Cancer Risk


Aspirin's protective effect appears particularly pronounced among people who are overweight -- those with a body mass index of 25 to 29.9, the results show.

from WebMD Health

Especially in the Young, Cholesterol Is No Friend to the Heart

cholesterol plaque in artery wall

The new global study involved data on more than 400,000 people from 38 different trials. Their health was tracked for an average of more than 13 years, but some were followed for up to 43 years.

from WebMD Health

Breaking the Ultrasound Barrier

new uses of ultrasound two

Focused ultrasound is an FDA-approved treatment for essential tremor and is approved to treat Parkinson's disease outside the U.S. It’s also making waves in research into breast cancer, diabetes, and mental illnesses like severe depression.

from WebMD Health

African Americans Face Unique Mental Health Risks

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While African Americans are just as likely to report serious psychological distress, they are less likely to get behavioral treatment.

from WebMD Health