In fact, every 4 mm Hg spike in systolic blood pressure -- the top number in a reading -- during young adulthood was tied to a 15% higher risk for heart disease in midlife, the research team found.
from WebMD Health
In fact, every 4 mm Hg spike in systolic blood pressure -- the top number in a reading -- during young adulthood was tied to a 15% higher risk for heart disease in midlife, the research team found.
Sperm can be collected after death either through electrical stimulation of the prostate gland or surgery, and then frozen until required, the ethicists said.
Fueled by a strain of influenza that children may be especially vulnerable to, less than two months into flu season 39 children have already died, according to data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Public health officials are investigating a mystery coronavirus that has sickened hundreds in China and been diagnosed in one person in the U.S.
It's the 19th state and one of the most conservative to outlaw the practice that seeks to change a person's sexual orientation or gender identity, the Associated Press reported.