Monday, 4 May 2020

COVID-19 Daily: New Study Tracks US Response, Hospital Inequities

These are the coronavirus stories you need to know about today.

from WebMD Health

COVID-19 Daily: Virtual March for PPE, Rural Hospitals Prep

These are the coronavirus stories you need to know about today.

from WebMD Health

Virtual March' Demands Immediate Federal Action on PPE

Medical professionals, lawmakers, and businesspeople were among the speakers demanding wider use of the Defense Production Act to boost manufacturing and equitable distribution.

from WebMD Health

Cuddling Brings Two Minds Together, Study Reveals

couple cuddling

A functional MRI scan of two people cuddling under a blanket showed that their brains appeared to be falling into similar patterns of action and response, as they took turns gently tapping the other's lips, a Finnish research team reports.

from WebMD Health

Rural Hospitals Prepare for Two Vastly Different Scenarios

The epidemiology of COVID-19 in rural areas forces hospitals that are already stretched thin to solve a more complex problem than their urban counterparts.

from WebMD Health