Wednesday, 6 May 2020

While You Sleep, Your Brain Hits 'Replay': Study

photo of sleeping woman

If you've ever wondered what your brain is doing while you sleep, a new study gives the first direct evidence that it's busy "replaying" our waking experiences.

from WebMD Health

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

As Society Reopens, Not Everyone is Ready

photo of hand opening blinds

As states start relaxing their coronavirus stay-at-home guidelines, some people are embracing these new freedoms while others are feeling anxiety about venturing back into a world with COVID-19.

from WebMD Health

Don’t Skip Vital Care, Babies’ Shots, Doctors Warn

photo of doctor patient masks

Patients with heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic conditions may be sacrificing their care -- which can lead to severe, even life-threatening consequences.

from WebMD Health

Why Your Kids Should Spend Time Outdoors

Clinicians and educators are turning to Mother Nature for help in addressing widespread obesity, chronic illness, depression, and behavioral problems among youth.

from WebMD Health

What to Expect From Your First Pregnancy Ultrasound

Your first pregnancy ultrasound offers an early peek inside the womb, and a chance to learn a bit more about your baby’s well-being and expected due date.

from WebMD Health